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misión de mi trabajo.

Prostate Cancer

If you or someone close to you has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, this document will help you understand the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of these types of tumors. Understanding and learning about the disease will help you to have a more direct dialogue with your doctor, as well as to raise concerns about the treatment.

Once diagnosed with prostate cancer, the patient can experience different sensations that include fear, despair, restlessness and many others that we are faced with when we do not know the disease.

This document will provide simple but useful information to discuss with the specialist about the disease.

What is the prostate?

It is a gland, it is part of the male reproductive system.

It is the size of a plum and is located in the pelvis. It serves to produce a liquid that is part of the semen and serves as a protective "vehicle" for the sperm. The prostate surrounds a part of the urethra (the tube in charge of taking urine from the bladder to the outside).